
Pass My Test - About Us

AboutPass My Test is your best choice when it comes to getting your Learner’s License in South Africa. We at Pass My Test are here to help you pass the test and get your learner’s license without difficulty. We will provide you access to the K53 tests which are more affordable and complete than what others offer online. Our proven track record is proof enough of the efficiency of our online tests that you will have complete access to when you sign up. Our system is a fun-filled way of preparing for your SA learner’s license.

What We Provide at Pass My Test

We at Pass My Test will provide you with a system that is easy to understand thereby enabling you to pass your test without any stress. Our tests include clear illustrations so that you do not get confused of left behind wondering what those signs meant.

Our Guarantee at Pass My Test

At Pass My Test we understand the importance of you getting your learner’s license and we guarantee that you will have:

  • Questions that you can expect to see in the actual learner’s test
  • Access to various quizzes that will cover all areas
  • Complete coverage of all sections
  • Questions on road markings
  • Questions on road signs
  • Questions on road signals
  • Questions on rules of the road
  • Questions on controls of the vehicle

We at Pass My Test are here to make getting your learner’s license fun. When you remove the ‘stress factor’ then it becomes fun and enjoyable to take the learner’s license test.  Though we guarantee that our system is fun, yet it is not a “wonder pill” that is going to provide you the learner’s license. Our system has a proven track record that will require effort and determination on your part to succeed.

Meet Some Of Our Team At Pass My Test



Social Media

Katherine works on the social media component of our site. She's always available if customers have issues or need help.




Alex is our strategist. He focus on developing core relationship, and strategic partnerships. He's passionate about helping people pass their drivers license.



Mel looks after the office and is the general go-to person if things need to happen. She also sporadically ventures out into the great unknown to show off her superb photographic talents.


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